Frequently asked questions
How do I place an order?
Explore our product categories or use the search bar to find exactly what you need.
Once you find a product you like, select the desired quantity and click the "Add to Cart" button.
Once you have added all the products you want, click on the cart icon in the top right corner. Here, you can review the product list, adjust quantities, or remove items you no longer want.
If you are satisfied with your selection, click the "Complete Order" button. You will be redirected to the checkout page.
Fill in your shipping and billing information, and choose your preferred payment method. You can create an account for faster future orders, or complete your order as a guest.
Review all the details and, if everything is correct, click the "Place Order" button. You will receive a confirmation email with the details of your order.
2. What are the payment options?
Payment is simple and secure through our trusted partner Netopia Payments . You can pay with your credit or debit card: Use a Visa, Mastercard or other accepted card.
3. How do I return the products?
Fill out the return form with the invoice number, your identification data, the date of order placement, the account number for the refund and the reason for the return. If you prefer, you can contact the telephone support service at the phone number +40 733 950 215 or by email, and a colleague will help you fill in the necessary data.
Pack the products carefully, making sure they are well protected. Add the invoice to the package to facilitate the return process.
Send the package by express courier or mail to the address: Brașov, Cartier Stupini, Str. Fântânii 17; identification data: Herbal Therapy Laboratories SRL; phone: +40 733 950 215.
Please note that we do not cover the cost of shipping in the return process.
From the moment the products reach us, your money will be refunded within 14 days to the account you specified in the return form.
4. How can I track or cancel my order?
Once your order has been shipped, we will send you an email with a tracking number (AWB). Use it to check the delivery status on the courier's website.
If you need to cancel or change an order, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to help you, as long as the order has not been shipped.